







Komon is a traditional Japanese women’s kimono, also known as “komon-goromo” or “komon awase.” It became popular during the Taisho era and early Showa era. Komon is commonly worn as everyday attire or for semi-formal occasions. It is made of materials such as silk or silk blends.

One distinctive feature of komon is its pattern, which can be either woven or printed onto the fabric. Woven patterns are created by weaving the design into the fabric, while printed patterns are achieved by applying dyes or pigments onto the fabric. The patterns of komon often change according to the season or event, with motifs such as flowers, plants, and landscapes being commonly used.

When wearing komon, women typically have shorter sleeves and tie their obi (belt) in a simpler style, giving it a relatively casual appearance. Additionally, komon can be worn with more formal garments such as color-variant kimono or houmongi worn as an outer layer.

In contemporary times, komon is not as commonly worn for special occasions. However, it can still be seen at local festivals, traditional events, and tea ceremonies. Among younger generations, there is a trend to wear komon in a modern style.

中国語: 小纹是一种传统的日本女性和服,也被称为”小纹衣”或”小纹袷”。它在大正时代到昭和初期广泛流行起来。小纹通常作为日常服饰或半正式场合的穿着。它由纯真丝或丝绸混纺等材料制成。


